Gray list
This server is currently running in graylisted mode, meaning any user can join the world but only approved members can build or interact with items.
If you wish to be added to the list of approved users please contact Silversunset#9967 in discord
Map Information
- The Overworld is 3000x3000 wide (1500 radius) with vanilla world generation. There is a pre-generated nether portal located at spawn
- The Nether is 3000x3000 wide (1500 radius) with vanilla world generation. There is a pre-generated nether portal at Y100
- The End is 3000x3000 wide (1500 radius) with vanilla world generation
Differences from Vanilla
Container Locking (LWC)
This server uses a plugin called LWC to automatically protect chests and furnaces to the person who placed them. There are commands available to modify the behavior of these chests
Command | Action |
/cmodify username
Grants permission to the chest to the username specified |
/cmodify -username
Removes permission to the chest from the username specified |
/cmodify r:regionname
Grants permission to the chest to all users listed within the regionname specified
/cmodify [type]
Modifies a chest to the new type based on the [type] entered. ex: /cmodify donation changes the current chest to a donation chest, and would replace /cremove and /cdonation
Creates a donation chest, where all users may enter items but only the owner may remove them |
Removes all permissions from the chest - this is dangerous as anyone can then lock the chest to themselves |
Creates a private lock on the chest that only the owner can open. This is the default for all placed chests |
Creates a public lock on a chest - this means that only the owner can remove the chest but any user may add/remove items |
Additional commands and explainations can be found here.
Iron Grinders
In order to alleviate lag due to excessive villager buildup in iron grinders we will be using a mob spawner to generate golems.
Spawner Mechanics
- Every 6 minutes the spawner will attempt to spawn a golem within a 5x5 area centered on the spawner (aka spawner + four blocks out)
- Golems will not spawn below the spawner, they will only spawn on solid blocks level with the spawner itself
- Players must be within 25 blocks of the spawner to activate it (this is raised from the default 16 blocks for normal spawners)
- Due to Mojang spawner mechanics a spawner will attempt to spawn up to the number of golems identified by its Tier number. This means that a Tier 2 spawner may generate one *or* two golems each time, a Tier 3 may generate one, two, or three each time.
- If there are 25 golems within radius of the spawner the event will cancel and no golems will spawn
How to obtain a Golem spawner
- Collect the following materials and place them in a chest:
- 5 stacks of cobblestone
- 16 wooden doors
- 16 iron ore
for golem spawner placement
Players may request 4 individual spawners be placed. All spawner requests and tier upgrades carry the same cost.
How to build an iron grinder
This IMGUR album shows the most efficient way to build a golem grinder.
- Spawners should be at least 4 blocks away from any wall and ceiling to prevent golems spawning outside of the spawning box
- Spawners must be in the floor of the grinder box level with the spawners
- Water can be used to push golems away from the spawner and into a killing area
Nether Portals
In order to prevent accidental grief as well as creating portals outside of world border the following restrictions are currently being enforced:
Nether Portals in the Overworld
- no restrictions, as long as they do not otherwise cause grief
Nether Portals in the Nether
- All portals must be within 185 blocks of spawn - this is to prevent spawning nether portals outside of the overworld world border
- All portals must be between y100 and y105 - this is to help alleviate portal overlap
- The spawn Nether portal is at coordinates x:-3 y:100 z: 0
How to make a Nether Portal
- Create your portal frame out of obsidian in the Overworld
- Portals should be of a 'reasonable' size, to prevent lag or mob spawning issues
- Minecraft Wiki Page - for additional mechanics related to nether portals
- Type
in-game, this will give you the coordinates where your nether-side portal *should* be. Make note of these coordinates - Light your portal with flint & steel
- Go through the portal - you will most likely end up at a nearby portal if any exist, or Spawn if none do
- WARNING: There is a chance you will die going through the portal due to some quirks with them. It is strongly suggested that you chest all of your inventory/gear the first time you travel through until the portals are properly linked. If you die on death your items cannot be restored
- Travel to the coordinates obtained from the
command and create a second Nether portal frame- The spawn nether portal is at y:100, if you want your connecting road to be level the bottom block of your portal should also be at y:100
- Light it, and travel through. You should connect back to your original portal
Should you run into issues with your portal, please /modreq
with as much detail as you can fit.
This server is currently running under a gray list. Additionally we have a plugin called WorldGuard that allows for individual protected regions on the server.
If you have a build you would like to request protections for, please mark the two opposite corners in an obvious block and /modreq
for protections.
Additionally it is recommended (but not required) that things like mob grinders, iron grinders, and nether portals be protected from grief to avoid accidents.